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About the Celebration

"In a global society, universities have new obligations to seek, understand, and celebrate diversity. UC Santa Cruz's tradition of intellectual diversity will continue to distinguish our campus as one of the world's most innovative universities."
–Chancellor Denice D. Denton

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During early November, and culminating on November 5th, 2005, with the annual Scholarships Fundraising Dinner, UC Santa Cruz will celebrate the arrival of Denice D. Denton as ninth chancellor.

Forgoing a formal inauguration in favor of academic symposia and raising money for student support, Chancellor Denton has said,"Instead of spending money and staff time on ceremony, we will invest in our academic priorities and our students." Chancellor Denton has earned an international reputation for supporting access to science, math, and engineering opportunities for women and other underrepresented groups. In May 2004, Denton's leadership in this area was recognized with a Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Mentoring.

UC Santa Cruz plans an array of inspiring events to celebrate our shared commitment to individual and academic diversity, to supporting students, and building strong and meaningful partnerships.