The following are full-length versions of articles that appeared in the February 7, 1997, newsprint edition of Currents.
Applications rise 6 percent over last year's filing period
Governor's 1997-98 budget would freeze student fees
Atkinson thinks UC needs long-term plan for adjusting fees
American Cancer Society renews funding for promising research by UCSC chemist
Remembering Kenneth V. Thimann, founding provost of Crown College
West urges convocation audience to take up King's 'struggle'
UCSC exhibits work of celebrated California artist
UCSC astronomers shine brightly in international study
Graduate receives prestigious award for essay on doctoral work in molecular biology
Graduate students vote to build commons; project will coincide with Bay Tree expansion
Social psychologist finds voice through new book
ATOC's first year of data presented at meeting of acoustical societies
Research Update:
Summaries of selected presentations from December's American Geophysical Union meeting
Chancellor to lecture in humanities series
Volunteers needed for job-shadow program
State funds provide child care spaces
UCSC Extension offers new certificate program
Revised style guide posted on the Web
Only new students will be eligible for GPA
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