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January 20, 1997

Child care center offers state-funded preschool program

By Barbara McKenna

Beginning this month, the Granary Child Development Center, a UCSC affiliate, is offering spaces free of charge to preschool-aged children through a state-funded program. The spaces are open to three- to five-year olds from eligible low-income staff, student, faculty, and community families.

The program, funded through the California Department of Education's State Preschool Program, is offered for three hours each day as an integral part of the comprehensive developmental program provided for all children at the Granary. Families enrolled at the Granary through the State Preschool Program may also contract for extended hours at the center, which is open from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Extended hours will be charged at the Granary's regular rate.

To be eligible for the program, families must have an income at or below 50 percent of the state median income. A family of three with an annual income of less than $25,440 is eligible to participate. A complete income eligibility chart is available at the Granary.

For more information, call Granary Child Development Center director Susie Sakkestad at (408) 426-3831.

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