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July 3, 1997

New 'Key Control and Access' policies issued

A new Key Control and Access policy and a new procedure for Obtaining and Returning Keys to Campus Facilities are now in effect. The University Police Department is the campus authority for these policies.

The Key Control and Access policy describes the control of the use and possession of keys to campus facilities including the design of keying systems, fabrication of keys, responsibility for issuance, inventory and deposits, eligibility for possession, key and building security, and responsibilities relating to lost keys. The policy applies to all keys, including keys for all doors and all gates, as well as for cabinets which were originally keyed through the lock shop.

The Obtaining and Returning Keys to Campus Facilities procedure outlines the unit's responsibilities for requesting, issuing, and returning unneeded keys to its assigned facilities.

Some highlights of the new policies are:

Both policies list the contact departments for questions regarding either of these two new policies.

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