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October 25, 1999

Making the News

Ravi Rajan of environmental studies was interviewed by KCBS on Subcontinental politics following the coup in Pakistan on October 13. The interview was played on KCBS news bulletins during the day .

Gary Griggs, director of the Institute of Marine Sciences, wrote an editorial on the subject of stewardship of the earth for the San Jose Mercury News.

If you heard a recent Morning Edition story on NPR about African American entrepreneurship, credit Rob Fairlie of economics with helping get reporter Chris Arnold up to speed on the subject.

When Ali Akbar Khan accepted the appointment of distinguished adjunct professor of music to UCSC, the story was covered by India West, Metro Santa Cruz, the San Jose Mercury News, the Santa Cruz County Sentinel and Good Times.

Thorne Lay, professor and chair of earth sciences, was interviewed for an article in the Santa Cruz County Sentinel about scientists' efforts to predict earthquakes.

A press conference by Arts & Lectures guest speaker Art Spiegelman (who won a Pulitzer Prize for his books, Maus I and Maus II), was covered by KSBW-Channel 8, the Santa Cruz County Sentinel, Metro Santa Cruz, the Connection, City on a Hill Press, Good Times, and the San Jose Mercury News.

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