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May 12, 2003

UCSC in the News

David Haussler, director of the Center for Biomolecular Science and Engineering (CBSE), was interviewed on National Public Radio's All Things Considered in a story about the human genome. Haussler discussed the analogy of DNA code as computer software with NPR reporter David Kestenbaum. Haussler and CBSE researcher Fan Hsu were quoted in a story about the UCSC genome browser in Genomics and Genetics Weekly.

Media Highlights provides monthly summaries of "UCSC in the News" columns

Carolyn Martin Shaw of anthropology appeared on KUSP Radio as part of a discussion of university policies regarding faculty-student relationships.

The Santa Cruz Sentinel published a front-page feature story, as well as a follow-up article, extensively quoting history professor Peter Kenez, English and comparative literature professor Murray Baumgarten, and history lecturer Bruce Thompson about a three-day conference,"Rethinking Anti-Semitism: The Holocaust and the Contemporary World," held at Stevenson College.

Research on the composition of distant galaxies by astronomer Jason X. Prochaska was covered by Science News, Science Now, Space Flight Now, and Physics Web.

The Santa Cruz Sentinel ran a story about the Research Review Day at the Baskin School of Engineering, with quotes from Chancellor M.R.C. Greenwood and engineering dean Steve Kang. The story also mentioned research by engineering faculty members Ali Shakouri, Michael Isaacson, Wentai Liu, and David Haussler, and included favorable quotes about the school from several Silicon Valley industry representatives.

An article about the science illustration program in the Santa Cruz Sentinel included quotes from program coordinator Ann Caudle and several current graduate students: Evan Barbour, Nicolle Rager, and Lucy Reading.

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