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December 10, 2001

Making the News

Sociologist Ben Crow fielded a call from the Los Angeles Daily News about his work on rice markets in Bangladesh. The reporter planned also to file a story with Pacifica Radio.

On World AIDS Day, the Santa Cruz Sentinel ran an op-ed by Patrick Letellier, program coordinator at the campus Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Resource Center, about the impact of AIDS on his life. Letellier's article was also picked up by Knight-Ridder for distribution.

Professor of computer science David Haussler and biology graduate student Jim Kent are featured in a new book about the human genome project by New York Times science reporter Nicolas Wade. Life Script : How the Human Genome Discoveries Will Transform Medicine and Enhance Your Health (Simon & Schuster, 2001) tells the story of the human genome project and how it will impact our lives. Wade documents the race between the public and private efforts to complete the first working draft of the human genome. An exerpt from the book on Amazon.com recounts how UCSC scientists stepped in to provide critical computational analysis in the last stages of the project.

Professor of astronomy and astrophysics William Mathews was a guest on the KUSP Radio program Talk of the Bay. Mathews talked about his research in x-ray astronomy, the Center for Adaptive Optics at UCSC, the history of Lick Observatory, and other topics.

Jim Whitehead, assistant professor of computer science, was a guest on another KUSP Radio program, Geek Speak. Whitehead discussed his work as chair of the WebDAV Working Group of the Internet Engineering Task Force, which is developing interoperability standards for remote collaborative authoring of content on the web.

The Santa Cruz Sentinel ran a story about the Christmas lights on the blue whale skeleton at the Seymour Center at Long Marine Lab, and quoted center director Julie Barrett Heffington.

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