April 18, 1994
Contact: Jennifer McNulty
UC SANTA CRUZ STUDENT NEWSPAPER WINS 23 AWARDS IN NATIONAL AND STATEWIDE COMPETITIONS FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE SANTA CRUZ, CA--City on a Hill Press, a weekly newspaper produced by students at the University of California, Santa Cruz, received 23 awards in recent national and statewide journalism competitions, including honors for overall design, photography, news and feature writing, and advertising design. The paper received twenty Gold Circle Awards from the Columbia Scholastic Press Association (CSPA) and three awards from the California Intercollegiate Press Assocation. The awards honor work published in 1993. "This staff has worked really hard to try to push the limits of what we're doing," said Steve Palopoli, editor-in-chief for the 1993-94 academic year. "The design staff has been really sharp, always asking themselves 'What can we do that people don't expect us to do?,' and the writing staff has also been doing that. People have just really been pushing it. I had a sense things were going well, and this confirmed that." The Gold Circle Awards, administered by Columbia University, represent the largest national competition for individual achievement in student publications. The recipients are: WRITING: Sports Features Xerxes Whitney, certificate of merit In-depth News/Feature Story Grace Cha, first place ART, ILLUSTRATION, AND PHOTOGRAPHY: Black and White Art/Illustration Brian Rounds, second place Spot News Photography, Portfolio Paul Myers, certificate of merit Feature Photography, Portfolio Sabra Schneider, certificate of merit ADVERTISING AND ADVERTISING PHOTOGRAPHY: Single Ad with Color Kathleen Eastly and Laura Liptak, third place Single Ad Black and White with Photo Kathleen Eastly and Kevin Ross, third place Kathleen Eastly, certificate of merit Single Ad Black and White with Illustration Kathleen Eastly, first place Kathleen Eastly, second place Kathleen Eastly, third place Kathleen Eastly, certificate of merit Single Ad Page Color Staff, second place DESIGN: Magazine/News Format Staff, second place Tabloid Magazine Cover Black and White Brian Rounds, second place Brian Rounds, third place Tabloid Magazine Spot/Full Color Brian Rounds and Sabra Schneider, first place Paul Myers and Sabra Schneider, third place Sabra Schneider, certificate of merit Opinion Page Design Sabra Schneider, certificate of merit Recipients of the California Intercollegiate Press Association awards are: NEWS ARTICLE: Steve Palopoli and Aimee Spanier, first place NEWS FEATURE PHOTO: Paul Myers, second place PHOTO ESSAY: Paul Myers, honorable mention (This release is also available on UC NewsWire, the University of California's electronic news service. To access by modem, dial 1- 209-244-6971.)
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