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January 13, 1998


RE: Administrative Council

For the past four years UCSC has been undergoing substantial administrative change. In addition to the budgetary adjustments of which we are most aware, we have implemented new information systems such as the Financial Information System and the Payroll Personnel System, we have restructured several administrative units, and have tried to improve our administrative functioning. To coordinate these activities we have periodically convened an ad hoc committee to this point called the Change Management Team.

Although we have accomplished much, more remains to be done. In fact, administrative evaluation and refocusing will be a fact of life at UC and at UCSC, and this will require on-going coordination. In place of the ad hoc Change Management Committee, I am creating an on-going Administrative Council which will be responsible for advising Chancellor Greenwood and me in:

1. Establishing administrative and operational priorities,

2. Overseeing activities directed at meeting the strategic goals of the campus,

3. Identifying values and direction for campus administrators and providing leadership on specific projects that have been endorsed,

4. Integrating perspectives in planning and coordinating activities to achieve campus priorities.

The membership of the Council, which I will Chair, includes:

Executive Vice Chancellor
Vice Chancellor, Business and Administrative Services
Vice Chancellor, Student Affairs
Associate Chancellor, Planning & Budget
Assistant Chancellor, Human Resources
Executive Assistant to the Chancellor

I believe this Council will provide the forum to air important issues, to reconcile differing views of campus administrative problems (and solutions), and to synthesis a shared vision of administrative developments.


R. Michael Tanner
Executive Vice Chancellor

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