Manuel Ares, associate professor of biology: $130,941, National Institutes of Health/National Institute of General Medical Sciences, "Structure and Function of Eukaryotic RNase III."
Erik Asphaug, assistant. researcher with the Institute of Tectonics: $27,300, NASA/Goddard, "Geophysics of Small Planetary Bodies."
Peter Bodenheimer, professor of astronomy and astrophysics and astronomer at UCO/Lick Observatory: $20,833, NASA-Goddard, "Major Unresolved Problems in FU Orionis Systems."
Peter Bodenheimer, professor of astronomy and astrophysics and astronomer at UCO/Lick Observatory, and Olenka Hubickyj, assistant researcher at UCO/Lick Observatory: $12,533, NASA-Goddard, "Formation and Early Evolution of Solar and Extra-Solar Giant Planets."
Michael Bolte, assistant professor of astronomy and astrophysics and assistant astronomer at UCO/Lick Observatory: $55,000, National Science Foundation, "Globular Clusters, Stellar Collisions, Dark Matter Halos, and the Age of the Universe Problem."
Andrew Chisholm, assistant professor of biology: $185,997, National Institutes of Health/National Institute of General Medical Sciences, "Head Region Development in C. elegans."
Phillip Crews, professor of chemistry: $70,336, Sea Grant, "Marine Sponges and Their Associated Macroorganisms as a Source of Antiinfective Therapeutic Leads."
Margaret Delaney, professor of ocean sciences: $22,000, Joint Oceanographic Institutions, "Fellowship, Michael Wara: Boron Isotopes in Foraminifera as Tracers of Ocean pH"
Anthony Fink, professor of chemistry and biochemistry: $14,064, National Science Foundation, "Protein Folding at Subzero Temperatures."
Russell Flegal, professor of earth sciences: $3,000, Applied Marine Sciences, "Trace Element Analyses."
Daniel Friedman, professor of economics: $59,625, National Science Foundation, "A Laboratory Study of Customer Markets."
Stephen Gliessman, Alfred E. Heller Professor of Agroecology: $56,346, The Nature Conservancy, "Factors Influencing Diversity, Composition, and Assembly Patterns of Plant and Animal Communities Following the Removal of Fennel on Santa Cruz Island."
Joel Goldman, researcher with the Institute of Marine Sciences: $33,000, National Science Foundation, "Diffusion and Low Light Effects on the Nutrition and Growth of Large Marine Diatoms."
Marcia Gowing, associate research biologist with the Institute of Marine Sciences: $127,722, National Science Foundation, "Ecological Studies of Sea Ice Communities in the Ross Sea, Antarctica."
Lydia Gregoret, assistant professor of chemistry and biochemistry: $113,929, National Institutes of Health/National Institute of General Medical Sciences, "Protein Folding--Side Chain Interactions in Beta Sheets."
Gary Griggs, professor of earth sciences: $20,000, U.S. Geological Survey, "USGS/UCSC Cooperative Agreement for Marine/Coastal Research."
Gary Griggs, professor of earth sciences, and Ellen Moir, director of teacher education: $2,700, Calif. Postsecondary Education Commission, "Science Connections 2."
Claire Gu, associate professor of electrical engineering: $84,776, National Science Foundation, "Volume Holography for Optical Computing (Young Investigator Award)."
Lars Hernquist, associate professor of astronomy and astrophysics: $40,000, NASA, "Origin of Quasar Absorption Lines in a Cosmological Context."
Theodore Holman, assistant professor of chemistry and biochemistry: $95,627, National Institutes of Health/National Institute of General Medical Sciences, "Functional Studies of Human and Soybean Lipoxygenase."
Garth Illingworth, professor of astronomy and astrophysics and astronomer at UCO/Lick Observatory: $26,782, Johns Hopkins University, "A Proposal to Build an Advanced Camera for the Hubble Space Telescope."
Thorne Lay, professor of earth sciences: $15,381, Mission Research Corporation, "Calibration of Propagation Effects on Regional Seismic Phase Amplitudes"; and $100,888, U.S. Department of Education, "Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN) Fellowship Program."
Burney Le Boeuf, professor emeritus of biology: $29,250, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, "Howard Hughes Medical Institute Predoctoral Fellowship (Michelle Denise Wainstein, Fellow)."
Phil Levin, assistant researcher with the Institute of Marine Sciences: $76,100, National Science Foundation, "Direct and Indirect Effects of Biological Invasions on Biodiversity in New England Kelp Beds."
Douglas Lin, professor of astronomy and astrophysics: $37,500, NASA, "Formation of Giant Planets."
Judith McCarrick, executive director of Summer Session/International Programs: $1,000, IBM, "Seaside Junior High School Math/Science Institute."
Melissa McClaren-Lighty, coodinator of the Chancellor's Undergraduate Internship Program at the Career Center: $5,550, Community Foundation of Santa Cruz County, "Professions Training Program."
Richard Murphy, assistant professor of German literature: $5,500, UC Berkeley Center for German and European Studies, "Junior Faculty Overseas Award."
Harry Noller, Robert L. Sinsheimer Professor of Molecular Biology: $26,176, National Institutes of Health/National Institute of General Medical Sciences, "RNA-RNA Contacts at the Ribosomal Subunit Interface (Kurt Fredrick)"; and $651,071, National Institutes of Health/National Institute of General Medical Sciences, "Ribosome Structure and Function."
James O'Connor, professor emeritus of sociology: $4,000, Federal Corporation for National Service, "Capitalism, Nature, Socialism (Amada Dates)."
Lucinda Pease-Alvarez, associate professor of education; Ellen Moir, director of teacher education, and Carrol Moran, coordinator of the Monterey Bay Educational Consortium: $39,000, UC San Diego, "UCSC/Monterey Bay Regional Literacy Project."
Peter Raimondi, assistant professor of biology: $63,819, UC Santa Barbara/MMS Coastal Marine Institute, "Effects of Produced Water on Complex Behavioral Traits of Invertebrate Larvae and Algal Zoospores."
Tudor Ratiu, professor of mathematics: $100,888, U.S. Department of Education, "Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN) Fellowship Program."
Ronald Schusterman, adjunct professor of biology and ocean sciences: $99,993, Office of Naval Research, "Bioacoustics of Monterey Bay Pinnipeds: Extraction of Information from Acoustic Signals."
Mary Silver, professor of ocean sciences: $2,500, UC Water Resources Center, "Microbial Utilization of Particulate Organic Carbon in Northern San Francisco Bay and Links to Higher Trophic Levels."
William Sullivan, associate professor of biology: $196,300, National Science Foundation, "A Confocal Microscope for Cell and Developmental Research."
Lincoln Taiz, professor of biology: $102,000, U.S. Department of Energy, "Regulation of Vacuolar pH in Citrus Limon."
Amit Tandon, assistant researcher with the Center for Nonlinear Science: $8,713, National Science Foundation, "Request for Supplement to NSF OCE-9618102: Significance of Time-Dependence and Entrainment Fluxes to Water Mass Formation."
Ronald Tjeerdema, associate professor of chemistry and biochemistry: $106,615, Calif. Department of Fish and Game, "CERCLA Water Quality Program"; $73,660, San Francisco Estuary Institute, "Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances in the San Francisco Estuary"; and $13,409, UC Davis, "Fate of PAH's in Marine Mammal Blood."
Brian Walton, associate specialist with the Institute of Marine Sciences, lecturer in environmental studies, and coordinator of the Predatory Bird Research Group: $5,000, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, "Camp Pendleton Peregrine/Least Tern Project 1997."
Steven Ward, lecturer in earth sciences and research geophysicist with the Institute of Tectonics: $25,000, U.S. Geological Survey, "Earthquake Interactions in Northern California: A Synthetic Seismicity Approach."
Paul Whitworth, professor of theater arts: $6,283, California Arts Council, "Organizational Support Program, California Arts Council, Support for Actors Salaries."
Harold Widom, professor emeritus of mathematics: $39,033, National Science Foundation, "Research in Random Matrices and Integrable Systems."
Stanford Woosley, professor of astronomy and astrophysics: $33,000, MIT, "Reflight of High Energy Transient Experiment."
James Zachos, associate professor of earth sciences: $362, Joint Oceanographic Institutions/U.S. Science Support Program, "ODP Leg 177: Salary Support Stratigraphic Correlator (Katharina Billups, doctoral candidate)"; and $3,000, Joint Oceanographic Institutions/U.S. Science Support Program, "Time Scale Development and Paleoceanography of the Oligocene to Early Miocene at Southern Ocean Site 1090 (ODP Leg 177) (Katharina Billups)."
Dennis Zaritsky, assistant professor of astronomy and astrophysics and assistant astronomer at UCO/Lick Observatory: $75,000, NASA, "A Study of Dust In and Around Galaxies"; and $201,425, National Science Foundation, "A Survey for High Redshift Galaxy Clusters: A Research and Education Resource."