Peter Bodenheimer, professor of astronomy and astrophysics and astronomer at UCO/Lick Observatory: $48,800, NASA Ames, "Theoretical and Observational Studies of Star and Planet Formation Grant No. NCC2-649."
Barry Bowman, professor of biology: $288,875, National Institutes of Health/National Institute of General Medical Sciences, "Eukaryotic Vacuolar Atpase."
Jean Brodie, associate professor of astronomy and astrophysics and associate astronomer at UCO/Lick Observatory: $18,719, Space Telescope Science Institute, "Resolving the Radio Hotspots in Nearby Starburst Galaxies."
Mark Cioc, associate professor of history: $3,300, UC Berkeley Center for German and European Studies, "Research Assistantship in German/European Studies."
Bruce Cooperstein, professor of mathematics: $20,000, UC Office of the President, Community Teaching Fellowship Program, "Community Teaching Fellowship."
Phillip Crews, professor of chemistry: $12,000, National Science Foundation, "Joint Seminar: U.S.-Japan Cooperative Science Program."
Daniel Crocker, assistant researcher in biology; Daniel Costa, professor of biology; and Burney Le Boeuf, professor emeritus of biology: $52,158, UC San Diego/Scripps Institution of Oceanography, "The Effect of the 1997/1998 El Nino in U.S. Coastal Areas."
Donald Croll and Baldo Marinovic, researchers with the Institute of Marine Sciences: $89,500, UC San Diego/Scripps Institution of Oceanography, "El Nino Impacts on Trophic Links in Monterey Bay."
David Deamer, research professor of chemistry and biochemistry, and Mark Akeson, researcher in chemistry: $1,072, National Institutes of Health/National Center for Human Genome Research, "Rapid Electrochemical Characterization of RNA and DNA."
Daniel Doak, Pepper-Giberson Professor of Environmental Studies: $58,957, U.S. Forestry Service, for the support of graduate student Elaine Harding-Smith, "Demographic Analysis for the Mt. Graham Red Squirrel, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus grahamensis."
Joel Ferguson and Tracy Larrabee, associate professors of computer engineering: $73,600, Semiconductor Research Corporation, "Test Generation for Realistic Faults."
Stanley Flatte, professor of physics: $75,000, Office of Naval Research, "The Effect of Small-Scale Ocean Fluctuations on Ocean Acoustic Transmission Proposed Work."
Jonathan Fox, associate professor of Latin American and Latino studies $24,681, MacArthur Foundation, "Transnational Civil Society and Accountable Institution-Building: Lessons and Trends."
Kwok-Chiu Fung, associate professor of economics: $3,300, UC Berkeley Center for German and European Studies, "European Integration and Labor Market Policies."
James Gill, professor of earth sciences, and Andrew Fisher, assistant professor of earth sciences: $388,755, Concurrent Technologies Corp., "Fort Ord Landfill Demonstration Project."
Marcia Gowing, associate research biologist with the Institute of Marine Sciences: $12,000, National Science Foundation, "Ross Sea Ice Communities: Collaborative Studies on Dinoflagellates."
Gary Griggs, professor of earth sciences: $32,000, U.S. Geological Survey, "USGS/UCSC Cooperative Agreement for Marine/Coastal Research."
Donna Haraway, professor of history of consciousness and women's studies: $11,315, National Science Foundation, for the support of graduate student Sarah Jain, "Bodies, Technologies, and Law: Litigating Accidents and Wounds in the U.S."
Michael Hutchison, professor of economics: $13,200, UC Berkeley Center for German and European Studies, "Contemporary Issues of European Political and Economic Integration."
Paul Koch, assistant professor of earth sciences: $85,752, National Science Foundation, "Isotopic Reconstruction of Home Range and Migration in Extinct Mammals"; and $58,602, National Science Foundation, "Upgrading of the Light Stable Isotope Geochemistry Facilities at UC Santa Cruz."
David Koo, professor of astronomy and astrophysics and astronomer at UCO/Lick Observatory: $14,970, Space Telescope Science Institute, "Searching for Old Stellar Populations in Candidate Proto-Spheroidals."
Glen Langdon, professor of computer engineering: $25,000, Hewlett-Packard, "Image Compression."
Judith McCarrick, executive director of Summer Session and International Programs: $9,000, Community Foundation for Monterey County, "Seaside Junior High School Math/Science Institute."
Richard Montgomery, associate professor of mathematics, and Viktor Ginzburg, assistant professor of mathematics: $52,982, National Science Foundation, "Periodic Orbits, Magnetic Fields, and Other Topics in Symplectic Geometry."
Peter Raimondi, assistant professor of biology: $40,560, UC Santa Barbara (MMS Coastal Marine Institute), "Effects of an Oil Spill on Multispecies Interactions That Structure Intertidal Communities."
Dale Stansbury, assistant dean for economic development at UCSC Extension: $19,231, California Community Colleges, "BEAC/REBRAC Cooperative Agreement."
William Sullivan, associate professor of biology: $30,160, National Institutes of Health/National Institute of General Medical Sciences, for the support of graduate student John Sisson, "Finding New Proteins Involved in Cell Morphogenesis."
Sean Swezey, specialist with the Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems: $30,000, California EPA, Department of Pesticide Regulation, "Impact of Non-Crop Farmscape Vegetation on Strawberry Pest Dynamics in the Monterey Bay Area"; and $30,000, California EPA, Department of Pesticide Regulation, "BASIC (Biological Agriculture Systems in Cotton): Expansion of a Cotton Pest Management Innovators Group in the Northern San Joaquin Valley."
Ronald Tjeerdema, associate professor of chemistry and biochemistry: $5,760, California Department of Fish and Game, "Fate of McDonnell-Douglas Jet A Spill"; and $8385, California Department of Fish and Game, "CERCLA Water Quality Program."
Brian Walton, associate specialist with CETOX, Institute of Marine Sciences: $10,500, California Department of Parks and Recreation, "Millerton Lake Bald Eagle Telemetry Study 1998"; and $120,000, California Department of Transportation, "Bridge Retrofit--Peregrine Mitigation."
Bess Ward, professor of ocean sciences: $135,000, National Science Foundation, "Community Structure and Activity of Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacteria in Aquatic Environments."
Mark Wells, associate researcher with the Institute of Marine Sciences: $129,847, National Science Foundation, "The Distribution and Dynamics of Bioactive Metals within the Marine Colloidal Phase."
Stanford Woosley, professor of astronomy and astrophysics: $23,209, National Science Foundation, "Massive Stars, Supernovae, and Nucleosynthesis;" and $113,224, National Science Foundation, "Massive Stellar Evolution, Supernovae, and Nucleosynthesis."
Ru-Shan Wu, research geophysicist with the Institute of Tectonics: $29,700, Exxon, "WTOPI - Modeling and Imaging Project"; $29,700, Norsk Hydro, "WTOPI - Modeling and Imaging Project"; $29,700, Elf Exploration Production, "WTOPI - Modeling and Imaging Project"; and $29,700, Schlumberger/SCR, "WTOPI - Modeling and Imaging Project."
Dennis Zaritsky, assistant professor of astronomy and astrophysics and assistant astronomer at UCO/Lick Observatory: $32,144, Space Telescope Science Institute, "The Evolution of Star-Forming Galaxies: Bridging the High and Low-z Regimes"; and $55,000, National Science Foundation, "Reconstructing the Magellanic Clouds Star Formation History from a Digital UBVI Photometric Survey."
Yu-Shen Zhang, assistant researcher with the Institute of Tectonics: $55,671, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, "Seismic Regionalization and Discrimination Research in the Middle East and North Africa."