Peter Bodenheimer, professor of astronomy and astrophysics and astronomer at UCO/Lick Observatory: $34,000, NASA Ames University Consortium, "Planetary Ring/Moon Systems."
Michael Bonnell, research specialist with the Institute of Marine Sciences: $24,739, UC Santa Barbara (MMS Coastal Marine Institute), "Logistical, Training, and Data Collection Support for MMS Marine Bird Monitoring Study in Santa Barbara Channel and the Santa Maria Basin."
Robert Coe, professor of earth sciences, and Xixi Zhao, lecturer in earth sciences and assistant research geophysicist with the Institute of Tectonics: $58,712, National Science Foundation, "Upgrading of 2G Model 760 Superconducting Rock Magnetometer."
Donald Coyne, adjunct professor of physics, and David Williams, associate adjunct professor of physics and associate research physicist: $10,000, Los Alamos National Laboratory, "Refinement of Neural-Network Algorithms for Milagro Data Analysis."
Robert Curry, research professor of environmental studies, and Margaret FitzSimmons, associate professor of environmental studies: $2,500, UC Water Resources Center, "Effects of Perennial Grass Buffer Strips on Movement of NPS Pollutants from Cropland to Wetland."
Margaret Delaney, professor of ocean sciences, and Linda Anderson, assistant researcher with the Institute of Marine Sciences: $3,000, Joint Oceanographic Institutions/U.S. Science Support Program, "Salary Support for Linda Anderson for Participation in ODP Leg 175 as a Sedimentologist."
Laurie Edwards, assistant professor of education: $2,000, UC Office of the President, "Addition to Constructing Geometry Together Project."
Olof Einarsdottir, associate professor of chemistry and biochemistry: $143,427, National Institutes of Health/National Institute of General Medical Sciences, "Electron Transfer and Proton Pumping in Cytochrome Oxidase."
Joel Ferguson, associate professor of computer engineering: $33,274, Edna Design Corporation, "Object-Oriented Hardware Design Methodology Research."
Solomon Friedberg, professor of mathematics: $22,000, National Science Foundation, "Sums of L-functions, the Metaplectic Group, and Non-Generic Representations."
J. J. García-Luna-Aceves, associate professor of computer engineering: $480,365, Department of the Army Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), "Wireless Internet Gateways (WINGS) for Internets"; $65,000, Hughes Research Labs, "Adaptive Mobile Secure Networks"; $61,000, DARPA, "SPARROW: Secure Protocols for Adaptive, Robust, Reliable, and Opportunistic Wings"; and $320,000, DARPA, "Protocols for Secure and Survivable Active Internetworking."
Marcia Gowing, associate research biologist with the Institute of Marine Sciences: $286,872, National Science Foundation, "Viruses in Pack Ice Communities of the Ross Sea, Antarctica."
Claire Gu, associate researcher in computer engineering: $49,455, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, "Design and Implementation of a Compact Microoptic Beam Combiner for a Laser Diode Array."
Richard Hughey, assistant professor of computer engineering, and Kevin Karplus, associate professor of computer engineering: $25,318, National Science Foundation, "Multi-Purpose Parallel Processing for Biosequence Analysis."
Robert Johnson, associate professor of physics: $70,000, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, "Development of Silicon Detector ASIC's for GLAST."
Lori Kletzer, assistant professor of economics: $49,500, National Science Foundation, "The Impact of Childhood Family Background, School Resources, and Curriculum on Black and White Women's Educational Attainment, Labor Market Experience, Occupational Mobility, and Earnings."
Glen Langdon, professor of computer engineering: $25,000, Hewlett-Packard, "Image Compression."
Marc Mangel, professor of environmental studies: $229,767, National Science Foundation, "Krill Life Histories."
Pradip Mascharak, professor of chemistry and biochemistry: $60,000, American Chemical Society, "Designed Cobalt(III)-alkylperoxo Complexes as Catalysts for Alkane Oxidation."
Charles McDowell, associate professor of computer science: $25,000, 3Com Corporation, "Building Embedded Java Systems."
Ellen Moir, director of teacher education, and Carrol Moran, coordinator of the Monterey Bay Educational Consortium: $20,000, UC San Diego, "Transitional Reading: Ensuring Student Achievement in English Literacy."
Harry Noller, Robert L. Sinsheimer Professor of Molecular Biology: $101,500, Damon Runyon-Walter Winchell Cancer Foundation, "Crystal Structure of the 70S Ribosome (Jamie Cate)"; and $17,966, International Human Frontier Science Program, "Role of S6 Phosphorylation in Regulating Translation."
Daniel Orange, adjunct research associate in earth sciences, and Casey Moore, professor of earth sciences: $70,964, Office of Naval Research, "Seafloor Geomorphology, Gas and Fluid, and Slope Failure on the Southern Cascadia Continental Margin."
Alex Pang, associate professor of computer science, and Suresh Lodha, assistant professor of computer science: $4,995, National Science Foundation, "Visualizing Uncertainty in Scientific Data Displays."
Lucinda Pease-Alvarez, associate professor of education; Ellen Moir, director of teacher education; and Carrol Moran, coordinator of the Monterey Bay Educational Consortium: $20,000, UC San Diego, "Partners: Project America Reads Training Novices (for) Ensuring Reading Success."
Gregory Rau, senior researcher with the Institute of Marine Sciences: $56,000, National Science Foundation, "An Investigation of Photosynthetic Carbon Isotope Fractionation in the Ocean."
Christina Ravelo, assistant professor of ocean sciences: $3,000, Joint Oceanographic Institutions/U.S. Science Support Program, "Cruise Leg 175 - Benguela (Dyke Andreasen)."
Abraham Seiden, professor of physics: $6,600, University of Houston, "Assembly of a Silicon Strip Readout System."
Eli Silver, professor of earth sciences: $6,135, National Science Foundation, "Workshop on the Costa Rica - Nicaragua Seismogenic Zone"; and $18,400, National Science Foundation, "GPS Study of the Transition Between Subduction and Collision in Papua New Guinea: Equipment."
Lisa Sloan, assistant professor of earth sciences: $25,400, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, "EXTENSION: Climate Model Intercomparison and Analysis."
Ronald Tjeerdema, associate professor of chemistry and biochemistry: $90,017, Calif. Department of Fish and Game, "Bay Protection and Toxic Cleanup Program."
Brian Walton, lecturer in environmental studies and coordinator of the Predatory Bird Research Group: $2,344, University of Utah, "1997 Regional Monitoring Program for Toxic Contaminants."
Mark Wells, associate researcher with the Institute of Marine Sciences: $83,029, Office of Naval Research, "Instrumentation for the Analysis of Optically-Active Colloidal and Soluble Organic Matter in Seawater"; and $13,396, Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, "Determination of Cu and Mn in Penobscot Bay, Maine."
Stanford Woosley, professor of astronomy and astrophysics: $3,000, MIT, "Reflight of High Energy Transient Experiment"; and $538, MIT, "Participation in the Development and Flight of the High Energy Transient Experiment (HETE)."
Xixi Zhao, lecturer in earth sciences and assistant research geophysicist with the Institute of Tectonics: $21,500, Joint Oceanographic Institutions/U.S. Science Support Program, "A Detailed Magnetostratigraphic and Rock Magnetic Study of Cores from Leg 173."