David Belanger, professor of physics: $90,000, U.S. Department of Energy, "Statics and Dynamics in Systems with Frustration and/or Randomness."
Michael Bonnell, research specialist with the Institute of Marine Sciences: $50,000, Calif. Department of Fish and Game, "Aerial Surveys of Marine Birds and Mammals in Support of Oil Spill Response and Injury Assessment."
Jean Brodie, associate professor of astronomy and astrophysics and associate astronomer at UCO/Lick Observatory: $41,519, Space Telescope Science Institute, "Extragalactic Globular Cluster Systems."
Catherine Cooper, professor of psychology and education: $31,520, University of Michigan, "Linking Qualitative and Quantitative Analyses of Successful Pathways Through Middle Childhood."
Bruce Cooperstein, professor of mathematics: $20,000, National Security Agency, "Construction, Generation, and Embeddings of Finite Geometries and Related Problems."
Donald Croll, assistant researcher with the Institute of Marine Sciences, and Bernie Tershy, research biologist with the Institute of Marine Sciences: $50,000, Office of Naval Research, "Low Frequency Sound in Blue and Fin Whales: Ecological Role and Potential Effects of Human-Produced Sound."
Olof Einarsdottir, associate professor of chemistry and biochemistry: $12,500, U.S.-Israel Binational Science Foundation, "Intramolecular Electron Transfer in Cytochrome c-Cytochrome Oxidase Complex."
Harland Epps, professor of astronomy and astrophysics and astronomer at UCO/Lick Observatory: $116,293, University of Arizona, "Observation, Data Reduction, Analysis, and Interpretation with the NICMOS Instrument on Hubble Space Telescope."
Sandra Faber, University Professor of astronomy and astrophysics and astronomer at UCO/Lick Observatory: $32,904, Space Telescope Science Institute, "Dynamics of Dense Stellar Systems (Karl Gebhardt)."
Stanley Flatte, professor of physics; Patrick Mantey, Jack Baskin Professor of Computer Engineering; and Darrell Long and Alex Pang, associate professors of computer science: $150,000, UC San Diego, "Interactive Visualization of Real-Time Databases."
Russell Flegal, professor of environmental toxicology: $47,500, UC Toxic Substances Research and Teaching, "Coastal Toxicology Program."
J. J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves, associate professor of computer engineering: $14,843, Raytheon E-Systems, "Analysis of Adaptive Network Technologies."
David Garrison, lecturer in ocean sciences; Mary Silver, professor of ocean sciences; and Ronald Tjeerdema, associate professor of chemistry and biochemistry: $5,175, Sea Grant, "Assessing Environmental Control of Domoic Acid Production by the Planktonic Diatom Pseudo-nitzschia australis in California Waters."
David Garrison, lecturer in ocean sciences; Mark Wells, associate researcher with the Institute of Marine Sciences; and Ronald Tjeerdema, associate professor of chemistry and biochemistry: $164,503 and $365,496, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, "ECO HAB: Ecophysiology of Pseudo-Nitzschia Species."
David Haussler, professor of computer science: $78,554, SmithKline Beecham, "Hidden Markov Models and Similar Bayesian Methodologies."
Lars Hernquist, associate professor of astronomy and astrophysics: $75,000, University of Illinois, "NCSA Grand Challenge Cosmology (GC3) Partnership."
Gail Hershatter, professor of history; Emily Honig, professor of women's studies and history; and Lisa Rofel, associate professor of anthropology: $60,000, Luce Foundation, "A Cultural History of Women and Work in Twentieth-Century China."
Garth Illingworth, professor of astronomy and astrophysics and astronomer at UCO/Lick Observatory: $32,161, Space Telescope Science Institute, "The Role of Environment in Galaxy Evolution: A Study of Galaxies in the Field, in Poor Groups, and in Clusters (Ann I. Zabludoff)"; $14,250, Space Telescope Science Institute, "Imaging of CL 1358+62 and Its Environs: The Morphology-Density Relation at z=0.33"; and $33,457, Space Telescope Science Institute, "Fundamental Plane, Morphology-Density Relation, and Lensing in the z=0.58 Arc Cluster CL2053."
Robert Johnson, associate professor of physics: $61,480, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, "GLAST Prototype Tower."
David Koo, professor of astronomy and astrophysics and astronomer at UCO/Lick Observatory: $26,048, Space Telescope Science Institute, "Spacial Structures and Masses of Faint Field Galaxies."
Ronnie Lipschutz, associate professor of politics: $35,100, MacArthur Foundation, "Minds at Peace? The Construction of U.S. National Security Policy at Century's End."
Joji Muramoto, researcher with the Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems: $4,545, Organic Farming Research Foundation, "Comparison of Nitrate Content in Leafy Vegetables from Organic and Conventional Farms in California."
Alex Pang, associate professor of computer science: $130,101, Department of the Army Advanced Research Projects Agency, "Nomadic Collaborative Visualization with Imprecise Information."
Peter Raimondi, assistant professor of biology: $25,000, UC Toxic Substances Research and Teaching, "Effects of Effluents on Complex Behavioral Traits of Invertebrate Larvae and Algal Zoospores."
Donald Rothman, senior lecturer in writing and director of the Central California Writing Project: $10,000, UC Office of the President, "Writing and Reading Action Project: Developing Critical Thinking in Women in Crisis."
Eli Silver, professor of earth sciences, and Donald Potts, professor of biology: $58,563, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, "Geothermal Plant Stress."
Michael Soule, research professor in environmental studies: $30,984, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, "STAR Graduate Fellowship (Kevin Crooks, Fellow)."
Brian Walton, lecturer in environmental studies and coordinator of the Predatory Bird Research Group: $40,000, Calif. Department of Transportation, "Bridge Retrofit - Peregrine Mitigation"; $6,351, U.S. Coast Guard, "Monitoring Services at Point Arguello"; and $36,200, National Park Service, "Titan Space Launch Impact on Peregrine Falcons at Channel Islands National Park 1997."
Ru-Shan Wu, research geophysicist with the Institute of Tectonics: $277,841, U.S. Department of Energy, "Fast 3 D Modeling and Prestack Depth Migration Using Generalized Screen Methods."
Ann Zabludoff, visiting postdoctoral researcher in astronomy: $16,300, NASA, "Evolution of Isolated Elliptical Responses."
James Zachos, associate professor of earth sciences: $113,991, National Science Foundation, "Towards a Milankovitch-scale Stable Isotope Stratigraphy of the Late Oligocene to Early Miocene."