[Currents headergraphic]

December 7, 1998

New Faculty

[Photo of Ingrid Parker]

Ingrid Parker
Assistant Professor of Biology

Ingrid Parker studies plant ecology and the biology of species invasions. She focuses on mutualistic interactions between species, such as pollination of plants by insects, and antagonistic interactions, such as disease, to understand what roles these interactions play in the distribution and characteristics of plants. Parker applies her work to conservation issues, especially the spread of exotic weeds into natural areas. She does research both in the tropics and in California. Parker received her A.B. degree in biology from the University of Chicago and her Ph.D. in botany from the University of Washington in Seattle. Before joining the UCSC faculty, she held a Miller Postdoctoral Fellowship at UC Berkeley.

[Photo of John Doris]

John Doris
Assistant Professor of Philosophy

John Doris comes to UCSC from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, where he was a visiting faculty member for the past two years. His areas of expertise are ethics, moral psychology, and the philosophy of social science, with a focus on the influence of circumstances on personality. His book, Lack of Character: Personality and Moral Behavior, is forthcoming from Cambridge University Press. Doris received a B.A. in philosophy from Cornell University and an M.A. and Ph.D. in philosophy from University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

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