[Currents headergraphic]

November 16, 1998

Making the News

Jonathan Fox of Latin American and Latino studies was quoted in a front-page article in La Jornada, Mexico's leading independent daily newspaper, in a story about the World Bank in Mexico. Fox discussed the significant drop in World Bank lending for antipoverty and environmental programs in Mexico since 1996. The paper noted that its own studies confirm Fox's findings.

Hist. con's Donna Haraway was cited in a Los Angeles Times story on technological advances that have made possible an unprecedented merging of humans and machines. The story describes some of the human/machine syntheses--implants that enable the deaf to hear and allow paralyzed patients to work a computer with their thoughts. The story notes that, along with the technology, a group of social thinkers have emerged to address this new phenomenon. The story identifies Haraway as being at the center of this movement and then summarizes some of her concepts.

Sociologists in the news include Monica Casper, who was interviewed by a Vancouver radio station about her book on fetal surgery, and Herman Gray, who spoke with the Los Angeles Times about the impact of 24-hour media coverage of scandals.

Psychology's Anthony Pratkanis, an expert on consumer behavior, weighed in on the annual "hot toy of the season" story for Knight Ridder Newspapers. The buzz is that it will be Furby, a computerized, interactive plush doll.

The Santa Cruz County Sentinel covered a campus forum that addressed possible themes for Colleges Nine and Ten. John Hardisty, the student organizer of the meeting, Chancellor Greenwood, and Lynda Goff, associate vice chancellor for undergraduate education, were interviewed for the story.

Forestry expert Ravi Rajan was the featured guest on KUSP's Field Notes in advance of a public talk he delivered on the history and effects of deforestation.

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