[Currents headergraphic]

March 30, 1998

Making the News

The aviation-inspired sculpture and functional art pieces of Marc D'Estout, UCSC Extension's director of art and design, were featured in the March/April 1998 issue of Northern California Home and Design.

In an op ed carried by the San Diego Union-Tribune, community studies professor David Wellman asked the question: Where were the conservative critics of racial preferences when white coaches were hired recently at two major California universities and more highly qualified minority candidates weren't given even an interview? He concluded that these critics either see the selection of inferior whites as normal or they are actually advocates of white-skin privilege.

The Metro Santa Cruz tapped research biologist Bernie Tershy for an article on environmental threats to the breeding grounds of the gray whale. Tershy, whose career has focused on the study of whales and dolphins, was asked his opinion of the public's almost mystical fascination with the giant mammals. "They're just animals," he said. "They are not magic. They didn't come from outer space."

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