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March 15, 1999

TAPS offers a new benefit to campus carpoolers

In an effort to retain current carpoolers and encourage more faculty and staff to commute to the campus together, Transportation and Parking Services (TAPS) has earmarked 14 parking spaces for use solely by carpoolers.

The spaces will be set aside as of April 1 in lots that are often crowded and that are used frequently by carpoolers. The reserved parking spaces will be available in the following areas:


TAPS based its decisions about the number and location of spaces to reserve on a survey of current carpoolers and on surveys of parking lot utilization rates, said TAPS marketing and development manager Kira Stoll.

"If you are a carpooler, you are encouraged to use the reserved spaces," Stoll said.

In February, TAPS surveyed current carpool permit holders to find out which parking lots they routinely use and to solicit ideas on how to improve the program. The results indicated that carefully placed reserved carpool spaces--in lots that are generally at capacity--would be an important benefit for people who are willing and able to carpool.

The reserved spaces are part of a pilot program, and TAPS will be monitoring how often the spaces are used and how effective they are for carpoolers. Based on the success of the pilot, the program may be continued, ended, or expanded. Comments and requests are encouraged; please call TAPS at (831) 459-2190 or send e-mail to taps@cats.ucsc.edu.

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