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May 18, 1998

Task force requests input on campus smoking policy

Over the course of this academic year, UCSC has used several methods to improve compliance with the campus smoking policy. At the recommendation of the Smoking Task Force, the campus has posted more than 300 "No Smoking" signs, distributed information about the policy, and created a mechanism to enforce the rules. (See http://www2.ucsc.edu/smoking for more information.)

The Smoking Task Force will reconvene next month to evaluate the effectiveness of this year's efforts to enforce the policy. They will use input from the campus community as part of the evaluation process.

Any student or member of the faculty or staff who would like to participate should consider the following questions:

Send your replies and other comments to ADA Compliance Officer Susan Willats, c/o Business and Administrative Services, or send e-mail to willats@cats.ucsc.edu. Comments are due by Friday, May 22.

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