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May 18, 1998

Prominent writer to read works at meeting for Friends of the UCSC Library

By Barbara McKenna

Poet and novelist Nathaniel Mackey will read from his works during the 32nd annual meeting of the Friends of the UCSC Library. The event takes place at 4 p.m. on Thursday, May 21, on the north patio of McHenry Library. An election of the new members of the Friends Board of Directors will take place prior to the poetry reading. A reception follows. The event is free and open to the public. For more information, call (408) 459-5870.

A professor of literature at UCSC, Mackey has authored nearly a dozen books and monographs and is the recipient of a 1993 Whiting Writers' Award. His interest in jazz and African culture informs his critically acclaimed work. His publications include Whatsaid Serif (his third book of poems, due out in late spring); Song of the Andoumboulou 18-20 (1994); School of Udhra (1993); Djbot Baghostus's Run (1993); Bedouin Hornbook (1986); Eroding Witness (1985); and Discrepant Engagement: Dissonance, Cross-Culturality, and Experimental Writing (1993). His compact disc recording Strick: Song of the Andoumboulou 16-25 (1995) presents him reading his work accompanied by musicians Royal Hartigan and Hafez Modirzadeh.

Mackey edits the literary journal Hambone and is coeditor of Moment's Notice: Jazz in Poetry and Prose (1993). He teaches creative writing and African American, contemporary, and experimental literature.

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