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October 27, 1997

Making the News

Making the News highlights campus people interviewed or covered by news media.

Composer David Cope's work on EMI, a computer program he invented, has seen a flurry of attention in the media of late. Leading off the crowd was New Scientist magazine, which made EMI its cover story for August 9. Other print media that covered the story recently include the New York Times (upcoming), London Daily Telegraph, London Times, Guardian, Welt am Sonntag (Germany), Neue Kronen Zeitung (Austria), Johannesburg Times (South Africa), Australian, Scotsman, Rocky Mountain News, San Francisco Chronicle, Bangor Daily News, Lingua Franca, San Francisco Chronicle, and the Santa Barbara News Press. Radio coverage included the Canadian Broadcasting Company, Sweden's Sveriges Radio, Denmark's Danish Broadcasting Corp., the BBC, the Australian Broadcasting Company and, in other media, "Brainstorms" on Omni Internet and an extended interview on BBC's Hardtalk TV program.

The San Francisco Chronicle called upon astrophysicist Lars Hernquist for comment upon spectacular Hubble Space Telescope photos of two colliding galaxies. The topic was right up Hernquist's alley, as he has conducted supercomputer simulations of galactic smashups for years.

Guillermo Delgado of Latin American and Latino studies was cited recently in the letters column of Ms. magazine. A reader questioned a reference in a story to a law of ancient indigenous Peruvians, and Ms. turned to Delgado for clarification.

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