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Allan Dyson, university librarian at UCSC, offered the following comments about the creation of the California Digital Library and the selection of Richard Lucier to head the project:

We're very pleased about this development. As UC's smallest general-campus library, the UCSC library will benefit greatly having the resources of other libraries available online to our faculty and students. The campus's special interest in visual, cultural, and interdiscipinary studies makes many of the collections initially mentioned particularly useful to us. Our growth in such areas as engineering will also make access to science, technical, and industry-oriented materials especially valuable.

These developments fit nicely with the campus's concept of the TEAM (Technology, Electronic Access, and Media) Center--the centerpiece of the McHenry Library addition we hope to complete within the next 10 years. The TEAM Center will be the campus hub for state-of-the-art information technology and the campus nerve-center for accessing digital information.

Dick Lucier is an outstanding choice as the founding university librarian for the CDL. He is experienced in UC libraries, and has shown great willingness to collaborate with the campuses in developing digital library concepts. He has been to this campus several times to talk with library staff and campus faculty and administrators about why we need to move in this direction, and to get our perspective on the best ways to do it.

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