[Currents headergraphic]

September 15, 1997


Ben Benumof, an earth sciences graduate student, appeared on the CBS Evening News during a report on the possible effects of El Nino along the California coast. Benumof is part of a team under geologist Gary Griggs that is studying, in fine detail, erosion rates and processes along the San Diego County and Santa Cruz County shorelines.

The San Francisco Weekly devoted its cover to the supposed controversy over whether newly discovered planets outside of our solar system even exist. Astronomer Steve Vogt weighed in with comments about the technology behind the research at Lick Observatory. Vogt advised leading planet hunter Geoffrey Marcy while he was a Ph.D. student here.

The Santa Cruz County Sentinel covered the out-of-this-world work of Institute of Marine Sciences researcher Greg Rau, who earned funding to help probe possible signs of life in that now-famous Martian meteorite.

This week's Metro Santa Cruz contains an eye-grabbing cover story on the lives of great white sharks off of Ano Nuevo. Featured are alumnus Sean van Sommeran of the Pelagic Shark Research Foundation, Long Marine Lab veterinarian Dave Casper, and elephant-seal expert Burney Le Boeuf. E-seals, as it turns out, are prime shark munchies.

The August issue of Architectural Record featured a 10-page color spread on two buildings designed recently by architect Antoine Predock--a center at Stanford and UCSC's Music Center. Project architect Dave Tanza was quoted several times in the story.

Extension's Dale Stansbury was tapped for an article in Recycle Scene, a publication of the California Resource Recovery Association, to describe the lumber-salvaging efforts under way as buildings are dismantled at Fort Ord.

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