[Currents headergraphic]

June 9, 1997


Anthropology professor Adrienne Zihlman and associate professor Alison Galloway collaborated with their colleague Mary Ellen Morbeck of the University of Arizona on a new book entitled The Evolving Female: A Life-History Perspective (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1997). A collection of 20 essays on the theme of how females play out the stages of their lives, the book spans the scope of marine mammals, monkeys, apes, and humans and provides a glimpse into the ways females of different species balance the need for survival with their role in reproduction and mothering. Among the topics explored are behavior, anatomy and physiology, growth and development, and the cultural identity of women, the individual, and society.

Frank Barron, professor emeritus of psychology, coedited the new book Creators on Creating: Awakening and Cultivating the Imaginative Mind (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1997), with Alfonso Montuori and Anthea Barron. The book is a collection of writings by such well-known creative spirits as Maya Angelou, Henry Miller, Michel Foucault, Rainer Maria Rilke, Frank Zappa, and Ursula K. Le Guin. The 39 contributors describe their own creative processes and how they produce their work, whether it is art, music, writing, science, or filmmaking.

As Barron writes in the introduction: "Creativity is a key that opens many doors. It can produce a change for the better in a wide variety of human activities, ranging from the spiritual to the material, the altruistic to the personal, the practical to the idealistic. Throughout human history this has been the case, but creativity has come to the forefront of human consciousness in a new way in the twentieth century, while recent years of rapid and radical social change have made it of compelling importance. As we enter an uncertain future, creativity can do nothing but increase in value."

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