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Headliners highlights recent media coverage involving members of the UCSC community.

The rumblings and inner structure of our planet sparked several recent stories. Closest to the surface, seismologist Susan Schwartz told KCBA viewers about a "slow" earthquake on the San Andreas Fault that lasted a week. Further beneath our feet, the discovery of a partially molten layer at the base of earth's mantle led to spots on the "Earth and Sky" radio program and in the Journal of College Science Teaching and Clarin, an Argentinean newspaper, for mineral physicist Quentin Williams and seismologist Ed Garnero. Finally, seismologist Thorne Lay discussed the deepest news of all with New Scientist, the Los Angeles Times, and the San Jose Mercury News: a finding that the inner core spins faster than the rest of the planet. . . .

Reporting from the floor: Historian Pedro Castillo was interviewed several times by both the Santa Cruz County Sentinel and the Watsonville Register-Pajaronian while serving as a seventeenth Congressional District delegate at the Democratic convention this summer. Castillo also spoke with a reporter from the "News Hour with Jim Lehrer" on issues concerning Chicano/Latino studies. . . .

Biologist Dan Costa updated readers of the Los Angeles Times on the progress of ATOC, the ocean-sonar experiment that transmits sounds offshore from Half Moon Bay. Scientists have thus far seen no adverse effects on marine mammals. Also in the L.A. Times was marine biologist Don Croll, one of several researchers studying blue whales off the southern California coast. . . .

Research on the effects of oil spills on underwater organisms landed toxicologist Ron Tjeerdema and his team in the Monterey County Herald and the Orange County Register.
