UCSC Review Summer 1996

Spread the word about UCSC: share your experiences

Alumni are invited to share their firsthand knowledge of the UCSC educational experience with high school and community college students as part of a new program being jointly launched by the Office of Admissions and the Alumni Office. There are few people better qualified to promote UCSC than alumni.

A slight downturn in the number of students applying to UCSC last year suggests that accurate information about the campus needs to be more widely disseminated. The campus is seeking alumni willing to spread the word about the campus's rigorous and highly regarded academic programs.

"Alumni can make a real difference in people's lives, promoting not only UCSC but also the value of higher education," says Heidi Renteria, the newly hired outreach volunteers coordinator at the Office of Admissions. "They have special credibility because they've experienced the campus from a student perspective."

Alumni volunteers are needed to attend college fairs at high school and community college campuses this fall. Volunteers may also be asked to attend receptions, make phone calls, interview applicants, or answer special inquiries from prospective students.

Interested alumni are encouraged to call Renteria directly at (408) 459-5518 or contact her via e-mail (hrrenter@cats.ucsc.edu).