<%@ LANGUAGE = VBScript %> <% Option Explicit '********************************************************************************** ' ' THE FOLLOWING PROPERTIES NEEDS TO BE SET/CHECKED BEFORE THIS WILL WORK: ' ' strMessageFileList ' The text file which will store the list of messages. It needs to ' match the value of "strMessageFileList" set in "process.asp" ' String Value ' Example: "D:\www\ucsc\news_events\messages\00-01\filelist.txt" ' ' When you want to start a new cycle of message (as in a new school year), ' simply create a new folder on the server (such as "01-02") and change ' the properties in this file as well as those in "process.asp" to match the ' new folder. You will also need to create a new, blank, text file in the new ' folder to serve as the filelist. ' '********************************************************************************** DIM strMessageFileList ' CONFIGURE HERE '*********Initial reference strMessageFileList = "e:\inetpub\wwwroot\toplevel\news_events\messages\02-03\filelist.txt" ' This section retrieves the filelist ' and then creates an array containing each line ' in the text file, i contains the line count DIM objFS, i, strLinkArray() SET objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") DIM strIndexFile SET strIndexFile = objFS.OpenTextFile(strMessageFileList, 1) i = 0 DO WHILE NOT strIndexFile.AtEndOfStream REDIM PRESERVE strLinkArray(i) strLinkArray(i) = strIndexFile.ReadLine i = i + 1 LOOP %> Administrative Messages Index: 02-03 About UCSC Academic Programs Research News & Events Administration Prospective Students & Admissions Full Search A-Z Index Find People FAQ
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<% ' BEGIN FILE LIST: ' This displays all links in the file set with strMessageFileList ' in reverse chronological order (newesr first) ' ' IF you want to remove a link from this list you will need to manually ' remove the line from the file specified by "strMessageFileList", making ' sure you don't leave any blank line. DIM j FOR j = 0 TO (i - 1) %><% = strLinkArray(j) & VbCrLF & VbCrLf %><% NEXT %>

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